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Guan Yu was injured in the left arm. Why did Hua Tuo treat the right arm?

2020-06-22 23:06:01 英文历史 Running back black °c 繁体
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The editor knows the stories that the readers are very interested in, and today brings you relevant content to share with you.

In "The Romance", the most famous brothers belong to the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang, who sell shoes and Guan Yu are murderers. They turned out to be just a butcher and live by killing pigs. They have been together since Taoyuan’s worship. Among them, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei assisted Liu Bei, and made great achievements for the foundation of the Shu Kingdom. Guan Yu ran away because of the murder. He sold jujubes on the way, but the hero did not ask the source. Guan Yu was brave and had a record. The title of "Guan Erye" is also widely respected by people from all over the world.

Speaking of Guan Yu, we can all say There are several well-known stories about what it takes to ride alone, and warm wine cuts Huaxiong. Of course, these are mostly related to warfare. Guan Yu still has a brave deed, that is "". Hearing Guan Yu poisoning arrows in his arm during the battle, he asked a famous doctor to treat him. Guan Yu refused to apply anesthesia, but asked Hua Tuo to treat him directly. Then he placed a game of chess, warmed a pot of wine, burned a piece of meat, and then played chess and chatted with friends. Hua Tuo cut Yu Yu’s arm and found that the poison had already penetrated the bones. If he didn’t scrape those bones, Guan Yu’s arm would be useless. Guan Yu suffered from the pain of scraping the bone, and he still didn’t change his color. The sergeant next to him heard the sound. It was already unbearable to look directly, the blood shed a large pot. Afterwards, Hua Tuo praised Guan Yu for being "a god and a man", in order to embody Guan Yu's extraordinary bravery and superhuman willpower.

According to the research of future generations, it is true that Guan Yu had really used bone scraping to cure the poison, and it has indeed happened in history. However, a careful person found that Guan Yu, who was recorded in the official history, was shot on the left arm, but in Luo Guanzhong's novel, Guan Yu was shot on the right arm, which is unbelievable. In fact, there are other reasons for this problem. Some people explained that Guan Yu had lost in the battle of Fan City. The novel is described because Guan Yu suffered a right arm injury and was unable to use his full strength to fail. In this way, it not only protects the face of Guan Er, but also makes it difficult for people to break out of the flaws. It is just that Lord Luo Guanzhong probably never thought that someone really compared this truth. But it's also harmless, and finding a reasonable explanation is also a turn.

In addition, Guan Yu "scratch There is also a big flaw in the story of "Bone Healing Poison". That was the cure for Guan Yu at the time, not Hua Tuo. We had been in the textbook middle school. Although Hua Tuo was a generation, he should have been able to save the world, but Hua Tuo was not used to Cao Cao's school, so he refused to treat Cao Cao. Cao Cao was resentful many times afterwards, and later killed Hua Tuo. The matter of Guan Yu's arrows was verified by historical data. At that time, Hua Tuo had already been killed by Cao Cao, so it was even less likely to cure Guan Yu.

Actually speaking, the difference between serious history and art is not true for our readers. After all, art comes from life and is higher than life. Reflecting the brilliant story, it is also the author's original intention.

Text source: interesting history




标签:Hua Tuo

