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He is a close-knit servant of Princess Pingyang.

2020-06-24 20:25:03 英文历史 Mourn °c 繁体
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Pingyang Princess, yes daughter, yes sister. When Princess Pingyang grew up, Li Yuan ruled and married her to young military officer Chai Shao as his wife.

During the great cause, the world was in chaos. In 617 AD, Li Yuan started his army in Taiyuan, aiming to conquer the world. From the perspective of Jiangdu, his cousin's behavior was betrayal.

At that time, Chai Shao and Pingyang Princess lived in Chang'an. When he heard that Li Yuan was starting a war, Chai Shao said to his wife:

"Father-in-law will start a war to wipe out the troubled world. I plan to go to meet his righteous flag , I’m afraid it’s difficult to leave together. I’m afraid I’m in danger after I leave alone. What should I do?"

Pingyang Princess, who will be the door tiger girl, firmly replied:

"You go alone, husband! I am a woman, so I can hide, I There is a way."

How could Chai Shao not know the abilities of his wife Mo Rufu and Princess Pingyang? So he acted lightly and walked the path to Taiyuan. Princess Pingyang was hiding in a manor in Hu County (now Hu County, Shaanxi) under the protection of a close-fitting male servant.

At that time, officials were searching for the Li clan in Guan. Li Shentong, the uncle of Princess Pingyang, rose up against the Sui, and was defeated by the Sui Army. He could only lead the rest to hide in the mountains. Obviously, Li Shentong can't count on it. Therefore, Princess Pingyang decided to become self-reliant and save the world for her father.

Therefore, Princess Pingyang sold her family property, recruited hundreds of desperates, and initially established her own war group. At that time, there was a Hu merchant in the Western Region named He Panren in Guanzhong. In the chaos of the late Sui Dynasty, he gathered a group of people, and lived in Guanzhong to make a living, and the number of troops reached tens of thousands. In the view of Princess Pingyang, this is a force available for recruitment.

So Princess Pingyang sent Ma Sanbao to He Panren to surrender. You know, He Panren's subordinates are a hundred times more than Princess Pingyang, and why obey a woman. But what is surprising is that Ma Sanbao actually said that He Panren had been dropped, and Princess Pingyang's men quickly expanded to tens of thousands.

Based on He Panren’s Ministry, Ma Sanbao persuaded thieves such as Li Zhongwen, Xiang Shanzhi, Qiu Shili one after another, and the Princess Pingyang’s army was greatly boosted, and the people of Guanzhong also called her army for. Afterwards, Princess Pingyang successively conquered martial arts and began to break the Sui army many times. Even the later Sui Jiang Qu Tutong was defeated by her many times. Along the way, Qiu Zijun made no crimes, forbidden to plunder, and won the sincere support of the people.

In the end, Princess Pingyang and her uncle Li Shentong met in Huxian County, and since then have established a firm foothold in Guanzhong. Afterwards, Princess Pingyang sent an envoy to secretly contact his father Li Yuan to inform him of his experience during this time. Hearing that her daughter was not only safe and sound, but also conquered a large area of ​​base for Datang, Li Yuan almost burst into tears. So he immediately sent Shao to bring hundreds to greet Princess Pingyang. Next, Princess Pingyang selected more than 10,000 elite soldiers and Li Shimin's division to the north bank of the Weihe River to attack Chang'an together.

In the battle of Chang'an, Princess Pingyang set up the shogunate and became the same level as Fujun Chai Shao. In the battle of Chang'an, Ma Sanbao, who had outstanding achievements, met Li Shimin at the military gate and was under his direct command. After Changan conquered, Ma Sanbao was appointed as the prince of prison. And Pingyang Princess is above the other princesses with military merit.

Six years in Wude, Princess Pingyang is unfortunate Early death. Li Yuan held a grand funeral for his daughter with the marshal's gift. "Yu Bao preached in the front and rear, big arrogance, yuzong, forty people of class sword, and tiger beast." In this regard, the etiquette officials raised objections that the female funeral should not be promoted again. But Li Yuan said:

"The trumpet is military music. Before the princess of Pingyang always came to the battlefield, she was the first to take the lead, beat the drums to sing the gold, and consulted with the military. How has there been such a woman since Ancient times? What's wrong!"

Not only that, Li Yuan also added "Zhao" to the princess, and Princess Pingyang was also called by later generations.

After the death of Princess Pingyang, her former servant Ma Sanbao still served in the army, he defeated Xue Rengao with the army, and defeated Tu Guhun with Chai Shao, beheaded the famous king, captured thousands of people, because of the merits For Xinxing County male.

After that, Li Yuan toured Si Zhuyuan and praised Ma Sanbao:

"Is this where you started? I think you are stronger than you!"

It can be said that the Tang Dynasty can attack Guanzhong in order to In order to attack the national base, Princess Pingyang and Ma Sanbao both contributed. Among them, Ma Sanbao's credit may even be even greater. Without his clever tongue, how can he empty the glove and obtain tens of thousands of troops. From slave to general, Ma Sanbao.

During the year of Zhen Guan, Ma Sanbao was promoted to General Zuo Xiaowei and Jinjue became a county official. In the three years of Zhenguan, when Ma Sanbao passed away, Li Shimin was so sad that he even abolished the dynasty. Text source: interesting history





