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After Chen Ajiao was abolished, did Wei Zifu think about killing her?

2020-05-11 23:04:43 英文历史 Argue °c 繁体
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Hello everyone, here is the editor, today I will tell you the story, welcome to pay attention.

Grandma Dou saw Gillian and Crazy happy, and said to the sweaty pig, "Hunter, do you want to ask a daughter-in-law?" Liu Che immediately replied, think! Grandma Just pointed at Gillian and said, is it good for your sister Gillian to be your daughter-in-law? Liu Che said, if my sister is my daughter-in-law, I must build a palace with gold and let my sister live. Several women laughed more than once.

This is the famous Golden House origin. From this perspective, the story of Emperor Han Wu and Gillian ended in tragedy, but only Gillian was unable to bear children. In addition, no one can shake Gillian's treatment after being scrapped.

Han Wudi was ashamed of his aunt ’s family. It ’s not that the aunt and the princess, it ’s not easy for Liu Che to be the prince. But Gillian did not give birth, could not give birth to a man and a half, the emperor Hanwu was not stable. Even the uncle Tianfen of Han Wudi (next to the insect on the left) was ready to collude with Huainan Wang Liu'an and find a way out for himself. Therefore, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty abandoned the Emperor Gillian, and the rest remained unchanged. He found another woman to bear the throne. This is every choice. He found Wei Zifu. The Wei Zifu family, from the beginning to the end, are known for their kindness. Don't do other things that don't concern you. Of course, there is no need to deal with a waste. Gillian was destined to be slim in his early days. This is much smoother than being queen.

Wu Zetian was determined to die, and even Xiao Fei piggybacked. Wu Zetian competed with the Queen Empress, and Xiao Fei competed for favor. At the center of these three women is the emperor, a man like a rotten pile. He even opened his eyes to see Wu Zetian mutilating the harem and remained indifferent. Wu Zetian was ambitious, cruel and decisive. Killing his own daughter and conspiracy to marry the Queen, making the Queen embarrassed, but Li Zhi was angry and annoyed, and the Queen was abolished. As a result, Queen Wang and Princess Xiao were locked up and tortured to death. Wu Zetian's way.

Mr. Wei Zifu ’s son Liu, The queen was stable, and then gave birth to several daughters, so she was too lazy to ask Gillian who wrote Sima Xiangru's "Nagato Fu". Wu Zetian killed the Queen, because the Queen did not die, she would not be the Queen. Therefore, the Queen Emperor must move, and the Queen Queen is not willing to move, which is bound to be doomed to a fight ... Source: Interest History





标签:Wei Zifu

