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Zhuangzis wife died, he was not sad but instead fought back?

2020-07-05 14:42:57 英文历史 Po tree bear °c 繁体
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For the very interested friends, the editor has brought detailed articles for your reference.

Zhuangzi’s wife passed away, Hui Shi went to pay condolences, seeing Zhuangzi sitting with his legs spread out, singing while tapping on the pottery basin. Hui Shi blamed him: "Mrs. Zun lives with you and has children for you. Now unfortunately, you are dead. You are cruel enough not to cry. It's too much to sing and play there."

Zhuang Zi said: "No. I was really painful when she died! But think about it, people have no life, form, and gas, and they become gas, shape, and energy in the trance of the wild. Born. From life to death, back to the beginning, like the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. Now she is lying peacefully in the giant room, and I cry next to me, realizing that this does not understand'life', so Instead of suffering, I want to sing for her return to her initial lifelessness.

After several years, Zhuangzi will die of illness and his disciples have prepared abundant funerary objects for him. Zhuangzi opposed the thick burial, saying: "I regard the world as a coffin, and the sun and the moon As a librarian, with stars as beads, everything in the world is my funerary item. Is my burial tool incomplete? Why do I have to add these things?

The disciples explained: "We are worried that the crow and kite eagle will peck at Mr. Zhuangzi said frankly, "Peck for the birds at the top, and invade the ants for the ants at the bottom." Wouldn’t it be too eccentric to capture this?” Zhuangzi understood death as returning to the original lifeless nature, so he can calmly take it.Source: Interest History






