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Secret: Is Prince Zhang Huai Li Xian really forced to death by Wu Zetian?

2020-07-11 14:48:10 英文历史 Lift belly °c 繁体
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Whenever I mention it, I always think of the image on the TV, so I have to give everyone a detailed explanation.

Li Xian was established as the prince in June of the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (675). Among the four brothers, Li Xian is the most talented and intelligent and diligent. He has read classics such as "Shang Shu", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Book of Rites" since his childhood. After establishing Li Xian as the crown prince, the weak and sick Tang Gaozong dispelled the idea of ​​being inferior to the queen, and dedicated himself to cultivating Li Xian, and repeatedly ordered him to supervise the country. Although Li Xian was highly praised both inside and outside the court, Wu Zetian was not very satisfied with him. She repeatedly advised her son, and made people write the "Shaoyang Zhengfan" and "Biography of Filial Son" for Li Xian to study the filial piety.

In the four years of Yifeng (679 years) in May and one night, the doctors who were admired by Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian were killed. Legend has it that the prince sent them. Soon, Wu Zetian made a case to arrest the prince and search the East Palace on the grounds that the prince was lustful and "brother" with his slave servant Zhao Daosheng. As a result, hundreds of armor were found in the Mafang. Zhao Daosheng also admitted under the torture that the Crown Prince had assassinated Ming Chongyan. In August of the following year, Li Xian was convicted of rebellion, abolished as a general, imprisoned in another institution, and the same party was completely killed. In November of the first year of Kai Yao (681), he was relocated to Bazhou (now Bazhong, Sichuan), 2300 miles away from the capital. Two years later, Li Xian was finally ordered to commit suicide by the cool official Zuo Jinwu sent by Wu Zetian.

Why Wu Zetian has been repeatedly forced so much What about killing your own son? Some people think that mother and son are fighting for power. As we all know, Wu Zetian was a man with strong desire for power. As early as the late period of the Gaozong dynasty, she obtained the right to "two saints and dynasties" with Gaozong, treating Gaozong as a puppet and monopolizing the dynasty. However, since Li Xian succeeded to becoming the prince, he was appointed to supervise the country many times and was highly appreciated by Gao Zong and his courtiers. In only one or two years of kung fu, when the prime minister of the DPRK was close to Wu Zetian, the rest of the people tended to obey the prince. Wu Zetian will of course not be indifferent to this and let it go. What made her even more annoyed was that Li Xian actually convened a group of scholars to annotate "", and there is a tendency to fight against the courts with the bachelors of the North Party of the later party. When Ming Chongyan was killed, Li Xian was delighted. Under the anxiety of Wu Zetian, he immediately found an excuse to abandon the crown prince as a priest and exile to remote areas. But because of Gaozong's asylum, he dared not inflict further harm. Only three months after Gao Zong's death, Wu Zetian immediately removed this long-hated political enemy.

Some people think that Li Xian was born of Wu Zetian’s sister and wife. In the Ancient time when mother and son were expensive, Wu Zetian naturally removed him and set up his own son as prince. According to records, the Korean wife was widowed in her early years. After Yonghui Zhongwu Zetian entered the palace again as Zhaoyi, she entered and exited the palace as an aunt. Because of her gorgeous appearance, she was favored by Gaozong and was named the Korean wife. In connection with Li Xiansheng's journey to Zhaoling at the end of the year, it was speculated that the child of Wu Zetian may have been born prematurely, and at this time, the Korean lady happened to have a boy for Gao Zong, so she took over the child who died for her sister. At this time, Wu Zetian was trying his best to deal with Gao Zong's original configuration and that one more son was beneficial to her, and would naturally not violate Gao Zong's will. A month later, Gao Zong hurriedly listed Li Xian and his three-year-old brother as king. This eagerness to establish Li Huo's status seems to confirm the above speculation. After Li Xian became the prince, Wu Zetian's contradiction with him began to intensify. At that time, the palace also said that the prince was born of a Korean lady, and even spread to Li Xian's ears. It can be seen that Li Xianfei Wu Zetian's birth also seems to have some basis.

Others think that Li Xian’s death was due to He had a long-term intention of rebellion. Li Xian was originally convicted of treason because he copied hundreds of armor in the palace. During his exile, he really germinated the idea of ​​rebellion, and it was not impossible for him to be killed because of leaks. As a prince, Li Xian was repeatedly appointed to govern the country, and has always had a great influence among courtiers and even the people. Only half a year after his death, Xu Jingye and others raised their troops to rebel in Yangzhou, and they once found a person with a similar appearance to Li Xian to sway everywhere, to show that he was sent by Li Xian's order and called on the world to respond quickly. It can be seen that as long as Li Xian is still alive, he may at any time act consciously or unconsciously as the leader of the anti-military forces of Chaoye and become involved in incidents such as rebellion.

In addition, some people think that Li Xian was killed by accusations. As early as when Li Xian was still a prince, Ming Chongyan, who was popular with Gaozong and Wu Zetian, who was able to communicate with ghosts and gods, spread that the prince could not inherit the throne, and he should choose other kings or kings instead. A large number of inscriptions have also been unearthed in the tomb. In the text, Jin Xiangong's words of killing Shen Sheng, hearing words of words, and hearing words of Jia Hou, abolishing the death of Prince Li Xian were alluded to. It seems that Li Xian was slaughtered to death, not a lie.

The above four statements are right or wrong. Today it is difficult to make accurate judgments. All the sayings have their own reasons. It is likely that the death of Li Xian is the result of a combination of multiple reasons. After Li Xian's death, he was pursued as King Yong and buried in Bazhou on the spot. In the second year of Shenlong (706), Zhong Zong Li Zhe moved his coffin back to Chang'an and buried it in Qianling. In the second year of Jingyun (711), he gave him back as Crown Prince Zhang Huai. Today, people drove to the tomb of Prince Zhang Huai, about 300 meters south of Dongjin Village, Qianling Township, Qian County, Shaanxi Province, and walked along the eerie tomb to admire the exquisite and rare murals and recite the fascinating people. "Huangtai Melon's Ci": "Grow melons under the yellow platform, the melons are separated. One pick makes melons good, and then picks make melons thin, three picks are still acceptable, and four picks hold the vines." One was worried all day long. The image of the tragic prince still inevitably dies in the hands of his mother.

Text source: interesting history




标签:Li Xian

