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After Shi Dakai was executed by Ling Chi, what happened to his 5-year-old son?

2020-07-11 14:49:34 英文历史 Narrate °c 繁体
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Husbands can use copper as a mirror to dress up; if history is a mirror, they can know the rise and fall; What kind of story does our hero Shi Dakai have?

In 1856, after the wing king Shi Dakai led his army and left Tianjing, he went to fight with the Qing army everywhere. In May 1863, Shi Dakai led his department to the Zi Da ground on the south bank of the Dadu River. At this time, there was no Qing army defending the other side. So, Shi Dakai ordered more rafts to prepare to cross the river the next day. However, there were unexpected winds and storms in the day. The rain fell suddenly that night, and the water in the Dadu River soared, making it impossible to sail. Shi Dakai commanded the soldiers to rush to cross, several times ended in failure, Shi Dakai can only look at Dadu River Xingtan.

Three days later, the Qing army rushed to the defense one after another. The Taiping army was blocked by the advance of the Dadu River. Many rush crossings failed, the grain and grass were exhausted, and they were surrounded by the Qing army. . The Taiping Army, in danger, had to "kill the horses and eat, followed by the leaves to feed their hunger, and eat them up."

In order to establish the marvelous achievement of "Stone-capturing Dakai", the Governor of Sichuan sent an envoy to surrender. Shi Dakai, who was exhausted by wisdom, was determined to lay down his life to serve the whole army, on the condition that Shi Dakai was killed by one person in exchange for more than two thousand soldiers. Peace. "Don't kill quickly, please send back to Gui, Xiang, Qian and other provinces."

Then Shi Dakai took his five-year-old son Shi Dingzhong and three cronies into the Qing camp, and asked the Sichuan Governor Luo Bingzhang for the soldiers. However, after Shi Dakai was arrested, thousands of his subordinates were killed by the betrayal Qing army. After learning of the incident, Shi Dakai was distressed and said to Liu Rong and Yang Chongya, the officials who interrogated him: "Luo Bingzhang does not mean that Never kill it? What about now? There are so many people in the world that can be overthrown, and I don’t have to ask Shi Shikai to open it."

Soon afterwards, the Qing court passed the order to kill Shi Dakai, Zeng Shihe and other four people in Sichuan at the local place. Shi Dakai was executed by Ling Chi in Kejia Alley, Chengdu. Shi Dakai was faceless and calm when he was about to be sentenced. He suffered from Ling Chi and died silently. The observer was immovable, and Qing officials also had to admire "death by Ling Chi. Silent even to death, even a strange man!" Liu Rong, Sichuan's political ambassador, said admiringly, "The strong spirit of the owl is all over the face, and the words are neither humble nor humorous, and do not make a wagging beggar. When he is about to be sentenced, the look is calm and the most ugly. The fierce."

The Qing court’s treatment of Shi Dakai’s 5-year-old son Shi Dingzhong was "It should be imprisoned, and it will be handled as usual at the age of the year." According to the laws of the Qing Dynasty, Shi Dingzhong needed to be "strongly imprisoned, and by the age of eleven, after the castration, he will be sent out of the customs to be the armored slave."

However, shortly afterwards, 5-year-old Shi Dingzhong was killed in jail with lime in his mouth. It turned out that Shi Dingzhong couldn't see his father Shi Dakai, so he cried day and night. Yang Chongya, the Sichuan investigator who had participated in the interrogation of Shi Dakai, suggested that he should wrap his mouth and nose with lime cloth. Therefore, Xie Fu, the jailer, killed Shi Dingzhong according to Yang Zhongya.

According to the "Facts of Shi Dakai's Enemy Enemy in Sichuan and His Victimization" written by Fei Xingjian in the late Qing Dynasty, "(After Shi Dakai's death) Ding Zhong never saw his father and cried day and night, so Yang Chongya suggested that Before the execution, the jailer Xie Fu told Shi Dingzhong truthfully, Shi Dingzhong asked, "I can see my father?" Xie Fu replied, "It happened to me Heaven." After hearing this, Ding Zhongsui. For a five-year-old child, death may not have any concept for him, so there is no fear, but he is happy because he can meet his father after death. It's really distressing for people who hear it, and weep!Source: Fun History





标签:Shi Dakai

