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Liu Yan: The best general in the Western Jin Dynasty, coveted the beauty of the queen, so he rebelle

2020-01-11 23:04:46 英文历史 Oblique °c 繁体
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The story I brought to you today, I hope to help you.

In history, a queen can only be the queen of one country. It is impossible for a queen to be the queen of two countries. This is not a mess. After all, she must be the country The queen of this country died and went to another country to be a queen. It is not that simple. It does n’t matter if you will kill yourself. Which woman is so bold? But this is really no one dared to do it, but was forced to do nothing. It's different.

There is really such an example in history During the Western Jin Dynasty, Hui Emperor was captured by the Huns, and the queen sheep Xianrong was arrested. The general responsible for the attack on the Western Jin Dynasty was deeply attracted by the beauty of Yang Xianrong, so he grabbed the sheep. Come and be your own wife. So who is Liu Xie who is so capable?

Liu Xun was the adopted son of Han and Zhao at that time, and he was also the best general in history. His pioneering work was really startling. At that time, Liu Xing was reused by the Emperor Han and Zhao because of his heroic warfare. Emperor Han Zhao was sent to attack the Western Jin Dynasty in the Central Plains.

And he did not let Han Zhao The emperor was disappointed and captured two emperors of the Western Jin Dynasty. Because of this, he was appointed by the emperor to be reused, but it did n’t take long for the old emperor to die, the crown prince ascended the throne, and the governor actually rebelled. After seizing power, he wanted to kill all the people in the royal room.

Liu Yi was impossible, so he sent troops to calm down the rebellion under the aegis of the Minister. Liu Ye finally became the emperor. It was really awesome! Because Liu Ye offered special grace to the queen sheep. Favored by her, she took Queen Queen Yang Xianrong as her own and made her Queen, and Yang Xianrong became the first woman in history to be the queen of two countries.

The so-called feng shui turns, Liu Ye was the emperor in the year, the colleagues who worked with him at that time were not in harmony with him, and also became the king, so Liu Ye went to attack Shile himself, but maybe It was too confident that he drank after riding a drink and fell, so he was taken prisoner by Shi Le. Shi Le wanted to force him to write a book of surrender, but he would rather die, and let the prince be good at defending the enemy. Man, the Prince heard that he was scared to pee when he was arrested, and fled away from the capital with someone, so it was just a short while since it was established.

Actually, it ’s a pity. After all, Liu Ye is indeed a man who is particularly suitable to be the founding emperor. If he did n’t drink and fell off the horse, he might not be arrested. Moreover, his vision is also problematic. , Let such a timid person be a prince. Text source: Fun history





标签:Liu Ye

