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She is changing from a queen to a princess. Who is behind it?

2020-01-13 23:04:46 英文历史 Value perception °c 繁体
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As soon as I think of the image on TV, I have to tell you in detail.

, Queen of Li Dan. Born in the government and family's house, Li was married to Li Dan while Li Dan was still the King of Yu, and the relationship between them was also very good. Although Li Dan is the crown prince, but with such a mother, he is always just a pawn in Wu Zetian's hands. Such a piece of chess, Wu Zetian also thought he was in trouble.

Li Dan sat on the throne for five Years later, he was abolished by his mother, Wu Zetian, and regained his crown prince position. In order to eliminate dissidents and consolidate the regime, Wu Zetian, who had just sat on the throne, eliminated all his disadvantageous forces. No matter who the other party is.

Li Dan, who has become a prince again, is in his heart Dissatisfied, but did not show much. Because he grew up under the pressure of his mother from an early age, he has long been used to being at the mercy of his mother. But his queen, Liu, apparently expressed dissatisfaction with the life and status of the concubine. I saw that Liu's was not pleasing to the eye, so he went to Wu Zetian to complain, saying that Liu was very dissatisfied with Wu Zetian's approach, and wanted to use the magic of the witch to curse Wu Zetian, so that Li Dan would re-emerge, and he would sit on the queen again. s position.

Who is Wu Zetian? How can she allow those who are dissatisfied with her to live in the world? On this day, Liu came to see Wu Zetian, and Wu Zetian used this opportunity to secretly kill Liu. Li Dan knew that his wife had been killed by his mother, but there was nothing he could do. He could only feel sad in his heart and fear. In this way, no one knows how Liu was executed by Wu Zetian so far. As for Liu's queen title, it was pursued as "" after Li Dan's re-election. Text source: Fun history





标签:Li Dan

