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Meixi: The first female spy in history, what is her recent ending?

2020-01-11 10:12:17 英文历史 Look forward to °c 繁体
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It is said that Mei Xi was originally a princess with Shi Guo, but later invaded and had Shi Guo defeated, and Xi Xi was ransacked by Xia Jun and returned to Xia.

According to legend, the girl is very beautiful, and she also wears a sword and a crown like a man. She has a different personality and will soon be coveted. Although Xia Yan loves her sister with all kinds of joys and obedience, she drinks and drinks with her all day long. But Mei Xi never forgot the shame, and wanted to get revenge, so she met the spy of Shang State.

Yi Yin is a chef who is very resourceful and trusts him. In order to insert Yi Yinan into Xia, Shang Tang used a bitter plan to pursue Yi Yin in person, in order to show that Yi Yin was guilty of fleeing, and dispelled Xia Yi's suspicion. After Yin Yin entered Xia, he was quickly trusted by Xia Ye. He noticed Mei Xi's resentment against Xia, and at the appropriate time, revealed her identity and absorbed Mei Xi as a business spy.

Yi Yin and Mei Xi cooperate with each other. Mei Xi destroys the trust of the Xia Dynasty's dynasty, and the trust between the alienation and the princes. Yi Yin spies on the secrets of the Xia Dynasty through Mei Xi, investigates the terrain, and returns information to the merchant.

The time is ripe, the girl pleases Yi Yin Xiangshang and the princes spread rumors that Xia Ye had a dream. He dreamed that there was a sun in the west and a sun in the east. The two suns wrestled. The sun in the east triumphed and the sun in the west went down.

This prediction is obviously talking about quotient, because quotient is on the east side of Xia, and the victory of the sun on the east side means victory. The businessman was superstitious, thinking that this prediction was the will of heaven, and propagated it, and finally led the princes to raise troops and wipe out the Xia Dynasty.

Although my sister does it for Shang Mixia He made important contributions but was not rewarded. Because Shang Tang claimed to the princes that Xia Xuan also had a reason for sister-in-law, he exiled the two to South Xinjiang together.

Some people say that Shang Tang had to exile her because of Meixi's offense. Others say that it may be because the girl is too charming, and Shang Tang was afraid that she could not hold it, and she embarked on the old road of Xia Ye, and she was exiled. No matter what, Mei Xi, the female spy, although she successfully overturned the Xia Dynasty, was not honored and affirmed. Text source: Fun history





标签:Girl hi

