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Han Xin is also suspected to be a traversal in history? Why do you doubt Han Xin?

2020-06-17 23:04:06 英文历史 Cargo doubt °c 繁体
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Today, the editor has brought you an article about crossing, welcome to read it~

Bingxian Hanxin, a sentence of Hanxin can help you. Captured heart. It is known as the assistant of Liu Bangding. Han Xin created 34 in his life, and each one is a classic. Some of the more famous ones are a meal, a lot of money, a humiliation of the crotch, a repair of the village road, etc. Throughout his life, he was finally executed on the charge of rebellion.

Why is Han Shin called a traverser , Because it is too qualified to pass through the novel. Historical data records that Han Xin is the Huaiyin people (now southeast of Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province). There is no record of family history. Han Xin’s character is indulgent, not polite, and unproductive. He goes to the local family to eat rice all day long, and even those who are not close to the family are also embarrassed to go. Later, he was driven away by Ting Chang’s wife and fed by the aunt who was doing laundry by the river for more than a month.

After suffering the humiliation of the crotch, all the people in the street laughed at Han Xin, thinking that he was timid. At this time, his parents died, and the girl he wanted married. This is the beginning of a proper waste material novel.

After that, of course, the counterattack started. The so-called parents have great power to sacrifice heaven, and the long-awaited time has come. After Chen Sheng and the uprising, they also crossed the Huaihe River to the north. As a traverser, they want to play and play. Han Xin is ready to change his life and join the Xiang family. When Xiang Liang died, he was overhead, and then he was competing. Unfortunately, it was not reused.

It’s okay, there’s also pick-up player Liu Liu, yes, I originally wanted to take you to play with the big one, giving you the opportunity to use it. After some hard work, he went to Liu Bang, and then opened the general plug-in. The official worshiped the general, and the plan was to set off San Qin, and then wiped out the Wei Dynasty, the East and the Zhao, the East and the Qi, and the battle ended.

Finally won the peak of life, Korea If a certain five is not killed, there is still a chance to kill old Liu and dominate the world. Unfortunately, he was tricked into the palace by Lao He and died in the hands of a woman. Woo wailing!

Text source: Interesting History




标签:Han Dynasty

